While focusing on appliance efficiency and the transition to renewable power is important, energy demand is often left out of everyday conversations regarding the clean energy transitions. Energy demand, not to be confused with the demand for energy, can be a tricky...
LCA and LCCA – Are you sure you know the difference?
A guide for those who don’t know (and for those who think they know) the difference between LCA & LCCA. Who knew one “C” was so important? There are arguably too many acronyms in our industry. And we get so used to using the acronym that we often forget...
Social Costs and Implications of Pollutants
In an average year, each U.S. citizen is responsible for emitting 16 tons of carbon dioxide, ranking 13th worldwide for total emissions per capita. In aggregate terms, the United States emits 5,285 megatons of Carbon dioxide per year, ranking 2nd worldwide behind...
Autocase’s Latest Features – June 2021
We are excited to announce that we have released new features in Autocase! In this post you will find more details about the updates: Re-skin with updated UI Updated input and results structuring New navigation New energy baselines Early stage cost estimation through...
The Importance of Ventilation in School Buildings
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forward the importance of optimizing building design and the interior wallpaper design for occupant well-being and places emphasis on the interaction between indoor air quality (IAQ) and human health. The effects of poor IAQ can occur...
COVID-19 and the Built Environment
Click here to download the most up to date full report. Updated: October 2020 and most recently August 2021. Autocase recently released a white paper on how to prioritize building investments to help in reducing the spread of COVID-19. It is a summary of the building...
People-Huggers Not Tree-Huggers
At Autocase we are not tree-huggers – we are people-huggers. Our people-first values are reflected in our methodology: Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis values what we value and that is why we love it, because we are people-huggers.
TBL-CBA for Planners Using GIS
GeoDesigning with Nature using Economics GIS creates maps and tools to that make designing at scale easy by putting the infrastructure and building decisions in context on a map to answer the question “what’s the best location”. TBL-CBA has taken the same starting...
Post-Pandemic Stimulus – Autocase’s post-pandemic call to arms – Part 4
All governments, infrastructure planners, designers and decision makers need to adopt a triple bottom line cost benefit analysis approach for building and infrastructure decisions to ensure that users, the environment and all stakeholders are best served by a post-pandemic stimulus package.
Setting a New & Better Course – Autocase’s post-pandemic call to arms – Part 3
As we re-build the economy, we need to make sure that what we build reflects our values and that “public values help shape private value”. We need Triple Bottom Line Costs Benefit Analysis (TBL-CBA) to measure value and set priorities.
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