Written by: Cansu Ostojic COP28: Navigating the Crossroads of Climate Action, Economic Interests, and the Imperative for Decarbonization The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is unfolding as a...
Inflation Reduction Act: Impacts and Outcomes to the Built Environment and Infrastructure – An Economist’s POV
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been closely tracking the federal Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) - it marks the largest federal climate investment in U.S. history. For that we applaud it. The main elements of the IRA include: 1. funding for climate and clean...
ESG Rating Systems – Greenwashing or driving change?
Investor acceptance and concern about climate change has shifted remarkably over the past year. Companies are now making sure that positive impacts on climate change mitigation are at the forefront of their strategies moving forward. ESG has been powerful, but is...
Leading through Life Cycle Cost Effectiveness
In November of 2021 the U.S. government released “The Long-Term Strategy of the United States, Pathways to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050”, laying out a series of benchmarks and high-level strategies for the country at-large through the next three decades....
Autocase at Greenbuild with Newest Integration Partner, Arc Skoru
This Summer, we announced our integration with Arc Skoru, the digital building performance platform associated with Green Business Certification Inc., the implementer of LEED building certification. This partnership will allow green building professionals to gain...
How to reduce your carbon emissions portfolio-wide cost effectively
A 7-step guide for building portfolio owners on how to reduce carbon emissions in the most cost-effective way. Click here to download the full report. So you’ve set firm-wide carbon reduction goals? Great! But you or your company may be saying…’Now what?’. The...
What is Energy Demand?
While focusing on appliance efficiency and the transition to renewable power is important, energy demand is often left out of everyday conversations regarding the clean energy transitions. Energy demand, not to be confused with the demand for energy, can be a tricky...
LCA and LCCA – Are you sure you know the difference?
A guide for those who don’t know (and for those who think they know) the difference between LCA & LCCA. Who knew one “C” was so important? There are arguably too many acronyms in our industry. And we get so used to using the acronym that we often forget...
Social Costs and Implications of Pollutants
In an average year, each U.S. citizen is responsible for emitting 16 tons of carbon dioxide, ranking 13th worldwide for total emissions per capita. In aggregate terms, the United States emits 5,285 megatons of Carbon dioxide per year, ranking 2nd worldwide behind...
Economic Analysis of Nature-Based Solutions and the Pathway to 30×30
Soon after taking office, the Biden-Harris administration announced its goal of conserving at least 30% of lands and waters in the U.S. by 2030 in the Executive Order on Tackling Climate Change at Home and Abroad, commonly referred to as 30x30. On May 6, federal...
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