Resources: Autocase Suite of Products

Discover the ultimate hub for all your Autocase needs! Our Resources page offers a curated selection of insightful videos on Autocase Software, Carbonsight Software, and the Environmental Justice (EJ) Toolkit. Each video is designed to help you maximize the value and impact of our innovative tools.

Autocase Software Video Resources

Carbonsight Software Video Resources

Building EJ Tool - Video Resources

USGBC Courses

A Blueprint to Decarbonize Your Real Estate Portfolio

Concepts to Value Co-Benefits and Understand Trade-Offs

Decarbonization Pathways to Reduce Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions

How to Integrate Environmental Justice on Your Projects

Informing Design Through Economic Analysis

You Have Your Data, Now Do More With It

Download the latest Autocase e-book that looks at the business case for low-carbon retrofits in the US in today’s market.

Topics Include:
  • Energy price forecasts
  • Electricity grid emissions
  • The changing social cost of carbon, and new reporting regulations
  • How scope 1, 2, 3 carbon emissions are calculated for buildings
  • A case study that presents how a library in San Antonio calculated the business case for energy efficiency measures.