Here's an interesting question and a great answer - Q: Which resiliency projects should you invest in? A: We were involved in a FTA resiliency grant that required a Cost Benefit Analysis on early designs. We learned from that process that we need to do a Cost Benefit...
Month: February 2015
Using Urban Green Infrastructure To Mitigate Megadroughts
A link to our friend Warren Karlenzig's blog post. Warren Karlenzig is president of Common Current "Impact Infrastructure, meanwhile, helped develop Autodesk's new AutoCASE automated triple-bottom line project analysis software, which has been...
AutoCASE and Envision
The link between economic value and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s EnvisionTM rating system is shown in the AutoCASE documentation. Information on the mapping between economic value and Envision can be found in the Business Case Evaluator...
How is AutoCASE essential to project design?
I am really sorry I missed this ... From the AutoCASE launch event in San Francisco, industry experts weigh in with their opinions on AutoCASE following the launch presentation.
Budgets, Benefits and Resiliency
It is budget time for many. Cities are setting capital plans that will set a strategy for infrastructure spending. Not everyone is thinking green infrastructure in their capital plans but New York is. Three green infrastructure stormwater initiatives make up over $1...
AutoCASE Software Launch Video
Live footage from Impact Infrastructure's AutoCASE launch event at the Autodesk Gallery in San Francisco including a live demo of the software as well as speeches from leaders in sustainability software design. Want to try AutoCASE? - Sign-up for a FREE 14-day trial...
The Hidden Value of Public Assets
An on-going debate between the cash-strapped Toronto District School Board (TDSB), the City of Toronto, and members of the community has shed new light on the importance of measuring the social and environmental value of publicly owned assets. At the center of this...
Is it an under-used school, or 2 acres of recreation space and a green stormwater management and air pollution asset?
A series of articles such as this one in the Globe and Mail highlight the fact that public assets have value beyond the obvious. Under-used schools often come with a green space that is a great for recreation. It also makes the air and water cleaner and reduces flood...
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