Here’s an interesting question and a great answer –
Q: Which resiliency projects should you invest in?
A: We were involved in a FTA resiliency grant that required a Cost Benefit Analysis on early designs. We learned from that process that we need to do a Cost Benefit Analysis across all projects look at different levels of flood protection and really figure out where to invest. Now as part of our resiliency guidelines we require a Cost Benefit Analysis to show we are spending money where we need to.
The above is a rough paraphrase from: “Econ Insight Episode 9: Resilience and Sustainability”, The Port Authority of NY & NJ, Newsletters and Podcasts. “… a conversation with Susanne DesRoches, the Port Authority’s Assistant Chief of Resilience and Sustainability. Much of Susanne’s work at the Port Authority is dedicated to helping make the Port Authority’s facilities environmentally sustainable and resilient to the effects of extreme weather events.”
You can listen to the full Econ Insight Episode 9: Resilience and Sustainability by clicking here.