A Challenge The idea for Impact Infrastructure was born when John Williams challenged me and other economists to rank sustainability initiatives; to put a value on green. We did, using the gold standard for infrastructure decisions: cost-benefit analysis. We added...
Month: December 2014
AutoCASE – Sustainability Solutions Launch Event
AutoCASE®, a plug-in for Autodesk’s Civil3D design software, illuminates the full triple bottom line of infrastructure projects by monetizing the associated financial, environmental, and social impacts. Autodesk and Impact Infrastructure Announce the Launch of: We are...
AutoCASE – Making the business case for green – Greenbuild 2014 Session
Making the business case for green with AutoCASE Greenbuild 2014 presentation by Emma Stewart (Autodesk), John Williams (Impact Infrastructure) and Lidia Berger (Dewberry). The Impact Infrastructure, Dewberry and Autodesk Greenbuild 2014 Edlab session – Making the...
Running Monte Carlo Analysis of Green Stormwater Management Initiatives in AutoCASE
How to run an analysis of a stormwater management scenario. Run analysis does a Monte Carlo simulation that simulates the uncertainty in the inputs and provides probabilistic outputs. The risk-adjusted results are provided in an auto-generated executive summary...
AutoCASE “this is a real game-changer”
More feedback on ii's presentation to the International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, held November 6-8 in Long Beach, California from the ASCE News: “I think attendees got the message, ‘Okay, delivering infrastructure projects that contribute to...
Quotable – Good Data, Good Decisions and Better Results
It is about women not infrastructure, but its a great quote: good data, good decisions and better results ... “When you present these data in a way that is accessible and compelling, heads start nodding. I’ve seen it first-hand all over the world, including from...
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