Sustainable Return on Investment (S-ROI) originated from a Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitment to Action by Impact Infrastructure (ii) CEO John Williams in 2008 and 2009 , who was at the time at HDR, to develop a new public-decision-support metric for the...
Month: May 2014
WTP Distance Decay Functions
Willingness to pay distance decay functions are a critical link in the CBA-BIM story. They link how much people value infrastructure based on distance, use and income. This is critical in geographical-based business case analysis because we want to know which location...
Geographical Information Systems, Building Information Modelling and Economic Cost Benefit Analysis
In several posts (also here, here, here, here, ... ad nauseam) I have discussed how Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographical information Systems (GIS) fit naturally with Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). CBA-BIM, as I have dubbed it, has over a 15-year history...
ii & Friends Corner The Cornerstone Journal of Sustainable Finance & Banking
The Cornerstone Journal of Sustainable Finance & Banking (JSFB) for April focused on infrastructure. John Williams corralled several colleagues, partners, friends, and employees of ii to contribute to the JSFB: Global Sector Research - Unleashing Impact Capital...
It is the time of year for proud parents to gather on university campuses and watch graduation ceremonies. ii's Ryan Meyers and John Parker were proud to attend the final presentations of students in ECO 400Y at the University of Toronto last week. University of...
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