
TBL-CBA Trap #3: Double Counting

TBL-CBA Trap #3: Double Counting

Number 3 in our TBL-CBA traps series. 3. Double Counting By avoiding the trap of being too narrow, people often fall into this trap. In particular, benefits are more likely to be double counted than costs. Take, for example an infrastructure or building project that...

TBL-CBA Trap #1: Re-Inventing the Wheel

TBL-CBA Trap #1: Re-Inventing the Wheel

Before we created the Autocase family of TBL-CBA software, our team of economists, along with engineers and architects conducted numerous custom assessments as consultants. Our collective knowledge is now reflected in Autocase, but, we have to admit, there were some...

The Mouse that Roared

The Mouse that Roared

On June 1st 2017, the news was that “383 US Climate Mayors commit to adopt, honor and uphold Paris Climate Agreement goals”. These mayors represent 68 million Americans. Here is but one example. The Pima County Board of Supervisors adopted resolutions “which state...

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