We were happy to see our partners at Barr Engineering Co. along with Capitol Region Watershed District and the city of St. Paul, Minnesota publish an article about an Autocase for Sites project in St. Paul.
“The site of a former Ford Motor Company plant along the Mississippi River in St. Paul, Minnesota, United States, offers a prime location for redevelopment. Authors Bob Fossum, Wes Saunders-Pearce, Nathan Campeau, and Matt Metzger explain the decision- making process used to estimate the benefits and costs of two different approaches for managing runoff from the site.”
An extract from the Summer 2018 (Volume 6/Issue 2) is available here: World Water: Stormwater Management.
If you’d like more information, the article is based on a WEFTEC 2017 paper titled “Sustainable Stormwater Management: Alternatives Analysis for the Future Ford Development Site.”
Autocase results show that the benefit-to-cost ratio for the Hidden Falls headwaters alternative is twice that of the baseline alternative. Significant estimated benefits make the return on investment for the Hidden Falls headwaters alternative more attractive. These include the following:
- Community value of green infrastructure and ecosystem services
- Larger, enhanced public spaces and recreation
- Improved connection to Hidden Falls Park
- Restoration of Hidden Falls Creek.

from: Sustainable Stormwater Management Alternatives Analysis for the Future Ford Site Development Capitol Region Watershed District – 2016
Autocase “is a web-based tool that assigns monetary figures to infrastructure and building projects based not only on construction costs,
but benefits and sustainable design features. The tool allows designers to:
- Understand triple-bottom-line values without costly economic consulting.
- Achieve more sustainable, cost-effective results in less time.
- Reduce push back and costly delays by addressing community concerns.
- Present their case with confidence (backed by credible data).
- Build more resilient projects.
- Prioritize competing projects for financingbased on societal value.”