The research staff at Impact Infrastructure are looking at the benefits of transit and active transportation. The cost of accidents from cars is staggering. One component of the cost is the value of human life. Are “traffic fatalities are the price we pay for the...
Month: January 2014
Climate Change Hits the Bottom Line
An article in the New York Times1 highlights how businesses are grappling with climate change: Coca-Cola advertisement - Minden, Louisiana. “Increased droughts, more unpredictable variability, 100-year floods every two years," said Jeffrey Seabright, Coke’s vice...
West Coast Infrastructure Exchange Standards
This blog has discussed standards in infrastructure planning and design. Impact Infrastructure (ii) has been working with several groups such to help create standards for business case analysis. These groups include: The Zofnass Program for Sustainability at Harvard’s...
News Release – January 7, 2014 (New York City)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT: John Williams, Impact Infrastructure,, Tel. 914-224-7639 AutoCASETM Receives Provisional Patent January 7, 2014 (New York City) – Impact Infrastructure, LLC. received a provisional patent...
The Business Case Evaluator for Stormwater Management Best Management Practices Released
A Free Lunch from the Economists at ii Impact Infrastructure is proud to release The Business Case Evaluator (BCE) for stormwater management projects. The BCE has been developed to enhance the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure's EnvisionTM rating system, adding...
The Fruit of Holiday Reading
Holidays are a great time to catch up on some reading. The Economist Holiday Edition taught me about William Petty: "Petty, who died at Christmas in 1687, was also an innovator in the world of theories. By tinkering with data and simple models, this little-known...
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