Autocase for Buildings recently added risk ranges for our Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA).
You can set-up these risk ranges under the Life Cycle Cost Analysis Tab.
By selecting the design level Autocase will use risk ranges from AACE International (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering).
You can choose the level of design (Conceptual, Feasibility, Budget, Bid/Tender, etc.) or put in your own range (which gives you access to the precision meter into which you can put your own upside and downside risk for capital or operations & maintenance costs). The resulting range is shown below the cost estimate – in this case for concept screening the capital cost of $3 million could be 30% lower ($2.1 million) to 50% higher ($4 million):
In the results, after clicking Compare Designs, you can see a chart under each of your designs titled “By LCCA” that shows the risk ranges. If you want to zoom in you can drag a rectangle around the area you want to examine (click on the expand button on the bottom right of the video to view in full screen):