Air Quality from Trees and Green Roofs

by | Sep 18, 2015 | Uncategorized

Three features coming in the new version of AutoCASE – air quality impacts from different types of green infrastructure, soil carbon, and mowing and pruning effects.

A storm toppled air scrubber and carbon sink

  • In AutoCASE, in addition to quantifying carbon and air pollution sequestration from trees and green roofs, we have added some analysis to account for air pollution deposition and carbon sequestration for:
    • Grass
    • Herbaceous plants
    • Shrubs
  • Carbon sequestration now includes a more complete picture of the carbon cycle, as soil carbon is accounted for in the models (soil can absorb and release carbon, and we now account for that).
  • Additionally, the maintenance impacts of lawn mowing and tree/shrub pruning are now accounted for. These activities negatively impact both air pollution and carbon sequestration. These would be relevant to “Shrubs” or “Managed Turf” features in AutoCASE.


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