Globe 2014 Conference

by | Mar 28, 2014 | Uncategorized

Impact Infrastructure, with Autodesk and Stantec hosted a workshop at the Globe 2014 Conference in Vancouver this week. The Business Case Evaluation Workshop was on “Prioritizing Investments for Sustainable Public Infrastructure Projects”.



Many communities are beginning to focus on the need to upgrade and reinforce local infrastructure as part of planning for Sustainable Return on Investment (SROI) , resiliency, and long-term economic growth. The demand for capital to support public infrastructure and building projects by far exceeds available public funding. At the same time that supplies of private impact capital are enormous, municipal governments are struggling to find ways to participate in infrastructure initiatives. Solving both problems requires access to objective, transparent, and standard tools that reveal project valuation, sustainable impact value (SIV) and risk information making it available for real-time design and budgeting for specific projects and systems. This workshop will be led by experts in community planning, economic and risk assessment, project finance, and resiliency planning and will help municipal leaders, planners, and others prioritize investments in sustainable infrastructure projects

The presentation for the session is available from the In the News section of our website or directly here.



John Williams also participated in a panel discussion:

The Infrastructure Deficit – A Problem or an Opportunity?


… and being Vancouver, it rained.



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