Are you working on a Title 24 2022 project?



We can help you cost-effectively prioritize and maximize the value of electrification, adding photovoltaic and improve ventilation standards. Autocase can help by quantifying the benefits of these sustainable design standards to help you cost-effectively meet your goals.

Our Customers

City of Los Angeles
Quinn Evans

Why Use Autocase?

There are three ways to use Autocase: 

1. Co-benefits quantified and monetized – Show the location-specific impact of your design decisions on community, tenant and owner stakeholders.

2. Whole-life carbon footprint – Understand and compare your design decision and their carbon footprints, whether it’s from renewables, embodied, or operational, see the impacts and compare. 

3. Lifecycle financial impacts – Automatically see the utility savings compared to local minimum code baselines, and layer on incentives, carbon taxes, upfront costs, and more to get financial metrics like payback period and more. 




Let Autocase help you meet California’s 2030 carbon neutral building requirements

Industry Leaders use Autocase

Trusted by top AEC firms, Governments and Fortune 500 companies

SFO makes the case for sustainability investments and design elements


Achieve your sustainability goals: how one firm is making it easier for clients to justify green building costs