The Autocase development team have been sequestered in the Toronto conference room all this week. In case anyone is missing an Autocase team loved one they are safe in the Fashion Building at 130 Spadina Ave., Suite 501, Toronto. Apart from occasional sightings...
Month: June 2017
Autocase, Autodesk – What’s the relationship?
Autocase, Autodesk - What's the relationship? by Terry Bennett, Autodesk and Emma Stewart, Impact Infrastructure, developers of Autocase Occasionally, we get the question….“Autocase…is this an Autodesk product? We can see how the association might be made, but...
WEBINAR: Combining Business Case Economics with Stormwater Project Design – Who Benefits and Why?
Join this webinar to learn from our experienced panelists. REGISTER HERE Civil engineers and site planners are increasingly confronted with too much or too little water. Municipalities and water authorities are seeking new Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to...
The Higher Standard: Triple bottom line decision making for infrastructure
Too often infrastructure discourse is focused on the financials of a project. Discussion forms around jobs created, capital spent, or payback periods while missing the main objective of infrastructure: providing value to society. This is a reminder to designers and...
The Benefit Of Free Parking In Bike Lanes
I rather frivolously, whimsically, and very non-rigorously calculate a value of $16,000 of free parking benefit per mile (per year) of bike lane. Autocase for Buildings has a Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis (TBL-CBA) for bicycle infrastructure. If you are...
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