Spring is Sprung …

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Uncategorized

While some of us at Impact Infrastructure are a long way away from our University years the school year plays a big part in the company’s calendar. With Spring sprung, our student interns have flown the coop (we still have our co-op student though).

Impact Infrastructure intern presentation

Natalie making her final presentation on her work term at ii

Xin (Natalie) Cheah was our fourth University of Toronto student. You can see some of her work here. Natalie kick-started some of research for our latest enterprise – AutoCASE for buildings. You can see she started our work on biophilia which has bloomed since. We also have quantified and monetized the effect of temperature and controls, ventilation, and lighting. We took Natalie’s initial research, expanded on it, and built a prototype. We are coding this prototype into AutoCASE for Buildings now.

Gelila Ephrem was our first Ryerson University (B.Comm) student. You can see some of here work here. Gelila expanded our AutoCASE for Sites models in several directions including how vegetation and trees of differing sizes and types aid in cleaning the air. She also calculated the impact of green roofs in Pittsburgh in advance our 100 Resilient Cities AutoCASE training there. We’ve since taken a map-based approach to green roofs effects in a city for Toronto. Of course this green roof work will feed into our upcoming AutoCASE for Buildings.

As usual for our students, we got a lot out of having these very smart ladies start and advance our research. We at ii wish them well and hope that they enjoyed their time with us.

Spring will bring us a new co-op student, our second from the University of Wilfrid Laurier’s Masters of Business Economics (MABE) program, Maxine Le Breton. We look forward to welcoming Maxine soon as exams end and the university calendar changes again.


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