public private partnerships

Sponge Cities

Sponge Cities

Funding Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s) share the same challenges, whether it's China or here in North America. Small projects need to be aggregated to reach the scale required for PPP’s. Large projects struggle to convey that the benefits of outweigh their hefty...

US Infrastructure – What, Who, and How?

US Infrastructure – What, Who, and How?

A guide to making infrastructure decisions impartially, rationally, and sensibly. A colleague recommended a Brooking Institution paper and it is a great read. Here are some extracts (emphasis and formatting added) from a recent (February 2017) paper from The Hamilton...

Trudeau, Trump, Cart, Horse

Trudeau, Trump, Cart, Horse

Both Trump and Trudeau are enamoured with getting the private sector involved in public infrastructure projects. But analyzing value for money before deciding what to build, why to build it, how to build it and where to put it, they are putting the cart before the...

Trump/Trudeau on infrastructure – Same Difference?

Trump/Trudeau on infrastructure – Same Difference?

Trump and Trudeau might disagree on climate policy but they seem to agree on preferring public-private over government investment in infrastructure. Both want to build bridges between public and private infrastructure. Paul Krugman questions why the private sector...

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