Results – in half a dozen clicks

by | Jul 15, 2015 | Uncategorized

Default values is what AutoCASE is all about. But transparent, regionally-specific, and research-informed defaults. And all numbers can be over-ridden with better data if, or when, you have it.

The latest version of AutoCASE has cost estimates built in for the design features. We have a database of Low Impact Development (LID) or Green infrastructure (GI) features. We adjust these for risk and region (more details are here)

You can run AutoCASE with just a location, date, and project life:


Of course the results, with no design components, the results will be $0.

Adding, say a tree:


AutoCASE will estimate capital costs (and risk):


as well as operations and maintenance costs for the tree:


and it will analyze and write a report for you:


I counted six clicks after project and scenario creation to report generation.


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