We were delighted to have Martin Wong working for us this summer. Martin is enrolled in the Master of Science in Sustainability Management (MScSM) program at the University of Toronto.
The program (Infographic) focuses on the integration of science and business through the lens of sustainability. This fits rather neatly with what we do here at Autocase. Martin, with a background in Mechanical Engineering was a perfect fit for our team of economists and software engineers who were working on developing a new module for Autocase for Buildings. The research Martin did fed directly into quantifying the benefits of green building investments such as the benefits on health and productivity of improved indoor environmental quality.

Martin Wong with his supervisor, Katelyn Lawson (Product Manager – Autocase for Buildings)
There is often a narrow view of investment in buildings such the aesthetics of the building or the financial savings from lower operating costs; however, building design greatly affects the environment and the health and well-being of its occupants. Martin’s work on Autocase will users to see their building capabilities by analyzing the incremental benefits of their design case in comparison to their base case (for example, a minimum standard design). With the growing importance of taking a holistic view of decisions, Autocase monetizes the financial, social and environment benefits (Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis or TBL-CBA) of green building design.
If you want to know more about Autocase for Buildings, and the fruit of Martin’s research, meet us in Boston at GreenBuild, November 8-10, Booth #1246.