I’m Certified As Being Economically Literate

by | Jul 23, 2015 | Uncategorized

I am now officially literate in economics (finally!). If you go to this video – https://vimeo.com/134101091at around 1:17, you’ll see my diploma.

John Parker

I was proud to be one of 17 graduates of The Economic Literacy Project (ELP). The ELP is not an English prog-rock trio but a series of six, ½ day training workshops held in Toronto to build ENGO capacity by increasing understanding of economic concepts and their role in a green economy.

An Economic Literacy Project for the Community from Sustainability Network on Vimeo.

The course is supported by The Ivey Foundation. The Sustainability Network is running the series again this fall. As someone who graduated before Ecological Economics really took off I can highly recommend the course and Eric Miller as an instructor. The six workshops (see below) help environmental leaders better understand the green economy:

  • Assessing the Promise and Perils of Markets
  • Valuing the Priced and Unpriced Environment
  • Rewarding Pro-Environmental Behaviour
  • Reconciling Trade-Off s for Better Decisions
  • Redefining Economic Progress and Sustainability
  • Reorienting the Economy for the 21st Century

“The instructor of the program is Eric Miller, a consulting ecological economist and contract faculty at York University. He has experience serving the Ontario and Federal governments as a public servant and has helped hundreds of students through his teaching of undergraduate and graduate students at York University and Queen’s University. Eric earned economic degrees from York University and McMaster and a biology degree from Carleton. He is an active member of Canadian Society for Ecological Economics.” (from The Economic Literacy Project registration page: http://sustainabilitynetwork.ca/economic-literacy-project/)


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