APWA Conference in Toronto

by | Aug 28, 2014 | Uncategorized

A group of us are speaking today at the American Public Works Association International Public Works Congress & Exposition in Toronto. Here’s the presentation: APWA 2014 TorontoDeck July 28 2014.

Ryan will be launching the Canadian version of the Business Case Evaluator (BCE) for Stormwater, John W. will be discussing the need for an automated business case, Marty (Stantec) will be talking about our recent Pima/Tucson project, Brian (Autodesk) will be discussing BIM and Infraworks, and I’ll be talking about AutoCASE and CBA-BIM.

    Sustainable Stormwater Management – Day Two of the summit will focus on sustainable stormwater management strategies and best practices. These presentations will offer practical tools and approaches that will help you with your agency’s stormwater management responsibilities and obligations. • Review a demonstration of the Business Case Evaluator (BCE) economic companion tool to the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s EnvisionTM Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System. See how it will help you prioritize capital spending for the greatest economic, environmental, and social returns. • Examine the benefits of Green Infrastructure (GI) designs to address community needs, long-term visions for the watershed, and the ability to meet CSO consent decree requirements.

Time: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m Tuesday 19th August 2014 Room : 717 at the Convention Centre
Learning Objectives:

    1. Review a demonstration of the business case evaluator (BCE) economic comparison tool to the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System.
    2. Examine how to use the BCE to prioritize capital spending for the greatest economic, environmental, and social returns.
    3. Evaluate the benefits of green infrastructure (GI) designs to address community needs, long-term visions for the watershed, and the ability to meet CSO consent decree requirements.


  • Marty Janowitz
  • Brenda R. Macke, CFM,PE
    Project Engineer, CDM Smith Inc, Kansas City, MO
  • Ryan D. Meyers
    PRODUCT MANAGER, Impact Infrastructure, LLC,
  • John C. Parker
    CHIEF ECONOMIST, Impact Infrastructure, LLC, Toronto, ON
  • Vicki Vickrey Quiram, PE
    ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, NH Department of Environmental Services, Bedford, NH
  • Andrew N. Sauer, PE
    ASSOCIATE, CDM Smith Inc., Kansas City, MO
  • John Williams
    CHAIRMAN & CEO, Impact Infrastructure, LLC, New York, NY
  • Brian Young


  • Storm Water / Flood Control
  • Environment/Sustainability


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