How an Arizona County Quantified the Business Case for Two Green Infrastructure Development Sites—and Got the Go-Ahead for Even More
Month: October 2018
The Science Behind Sustainable Design
Two dozen sustainable and resilient design industry leaders came together in Houston to discuss how to rebuild better.
The Costs and Benefits of Permeable Pavement at the Neighbourhood Scale
“The Costs and Benefits of Permeable Pavement at the Neighbourhood Scale – Using Autocase for Sites” was presented recently, at the ASCE EWRI International Low Impact Development Conference 2018 by Kirstin Newfield’s supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Drake of the University of Toronto.
The Return of the Master Builder
Master builder is a job, if not a name, that is coming back into vogue. The reason is that master builder is a good description of the role construction firms are now playing in public private partnerships (P3s).
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