Multiple Account Cost Benefit Analysis (MACBA), like Triple Bottom Line (TBL) analysis aims to add to Cost Benefit Analysis’ (CBA) rigid single bottom line by calculating other perspectives. If one neighborhood is hurt by a new building or infrastructure project while...
Month: April 2016
I Got My Feet Wet Today
I got my feet wet today. Cycling through the Don Valley to work today the trail was flooded. The obvious cause was the thunderstorm we had last night. The less obvious reason is that we have constrained the Don River and stopped it from going where it wants. By...
Spring is Sprung …
While some of us at Impact Infrastructure are a long way away from our University years the school year plays a big part in the company's calendar. With Spring sprung, our student interns have flown the coop (we still have our co-op student though). Natalie making her...
Monetizing the Value of Resiliency
Infrastructure. Everyone says it is crumbling. North American infrastructure has suffered from years of neglect and under-investment. While the U.S. economy is very slowly recovering, the Canadian economy is in an economic slump. Half of North America is calling for...
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