Ben Rommelaere will be presenting a paper at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development (ICTD 2016 June 26-29 2016). The two of us wrote the paper and I'll post a link to the published paper after the conference in July. In the meantime here...
Month: March 2016
Striving for Standards in Sustainability
Spring is Sprung and Flowers are Popping Up Everywhere In May I'll be attending a workshop to explore harmonization of methodologies to assess the environmental, social and economic impacts of an investment. Hosted by Lise Laurin, CEO, of EarthShift Global, LLC, Lise...
Agriculture: Time to Think Urban
In a recent blog post we posed the question of what's a park worth? In general, the answer is that it depends on whom you ask. Here at Impact Infrastructure we have used AutoCASE to provide a monetized answer to that question a couple times, see here and here. Let’s...
What Toronto’s green roofs are doing for you, in one map
Toronto’s greenroofs can have a sizeable impact on the air quality in the city. Green roofs are like building a park over your entire city – or at the very least it would have similar impacts on air quality. Using AutoCASE, I've calculated the amount Carbon Dioxide...
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