AutoCASE featured in ENR (Engineering News Record) (links added): "Impact Infrastructure's Williams is working with IT firm Autodesk to perfect AutoCASE, a cloud-based tool that links Envision to visualization software. "You plug in project parameters and the tool...
Month: June 2015
Twisted Logic – Very Punny
AutoCASE for Stormwater. Next up is AutoCASE for Transit. And after that AutoCASE for Buildings. With documentation of the transit research wrapping up this week, the development team starts coding. We at AutoCASE Research turn our attention to green buildings....
Coming Soon – AutoCASE for Transit
AutoCASE for Transit - coming this fall as stand-alone web application and as an add-in for Autodesk's Infraworks - will include the latest research on the value of travel time reliability. The life of a transit project can easily last for decades before construction...
Transit, Parks, or Water Quality?
The city budget is set, how do you decide what programs to spend it on? Are parks better than transit? The answer is, not to sound too much like an economist, it depends. There may be winning programs in any and all of the departments. In addition, the type of...
Green vs. Grey Infrastructure
We need more professionals like Dr. Hans Schreier (faculty of land and food systems at the University of British Columbia) to educate us. The Globe an Mail reports that Toronto “is in the planning stages of a road and sewer replacement project to mitigate storm water...
Standards and Risk
Standards engender productivity. They reduce waste, improve communication, and reduce risks. By not counting the full social, environmental and financial cost of their projects, the engineering and architecture community is unnecessarily increasing the financial risk...
The Value of Dallas Parks
Our friends at VERDUNITY have been using AutoCASE to value the benefits of parks. The City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department wanted value measures to tell the story of the benefits provided by their parks and trail system. VERDUNITY developed the metrics...
Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line
Steph Larocque of Impact infrastructure has an article in the American Public Works' APWA Reporter. Here is a link to a pdf version of "Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line ".
A New Frontier: Combining GIS & Economics (Assigning Who Benefits)
Part 2: Assigning who benefits This is the second part of a series of four blog posts on the potential uses of GIS in cost-benefit analysis. When new infrastructure is designed and built decision makers often need to know is who the project impacts, in what way they...
The Fairness of GO Transit Fares
Here at Impact Infrastructure we are in the process of testing our new Business Case Evaluator (BCE) for Transit. In that spirit, we decided to do a short analysis of the cost of riding GO transit versus the cost of driving in order to demonstrate some of the...
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