Sonny Tu, our extremely talented co-op student from the University of Waterloo, has created a new look for the blog that integrates with the new look of our website. I love the animation and graphics on this site. Let us know what you think.
Month: October 2014
Canada – Billions and Billions of Federal Infrastructure Investment Funds Available!
I was at a presentation yesterday by Mostafa Askari from the Canadian Parliamentary Budget Office. The PBO released yesterday its "Economic and Fiscal Outlook Update 2014" with some interesting perspectives on the ability of the Feds to finance infrastructure...
Impact Infrastructure Welcomes Stephane Larocque to Lead its Consulting Practice and Steph Welcomes a New Daughter
October 14, 2014 New York, New York.- Impact Infrastructure, Inc. (ii) announced today that Stephane Larocque has joined the company as a Senior Vice President and Consulting Practice Leader. Larocque was one of the original pioneers in the development of the...
The Co-Benefits of Climate Action
The Economist strikes again - "Encouraging climate action - Try jam today - Policies to slow down warming may be more attractive if framed as ways of speeding up growth" Sept. 20th 2014 with news of "a report arguing not that global warming will destroy the Earth, but...
ii’s Business Case Evaluator listed as EPA Resource
ii is very proud that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has included its model for stormwater in its list of resources. BCE for Flood Risk The EPA has included the Business Case Evaluator (BCE) for Stormwater in its resources list to manage flood risk (Link or...
Ciencia sem Fronteiras Scholarship Program
ii had the pleasure of working with Regiane Hyodo, a 4th year Environmental Engineering student from Brazil over the summer through the Ciência sem Fronteiras (CsF). The CsF is a large-scale nationwide scholarship program primarily funded by the Brazilian federal...
Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Program
I came across this interesting development to turn green stormwater management into cash. AutoCASE calculates the cash and non-cash value of green stormwater management. We do this because the value is there and it accrues in some form to someone. There is always the...
Climate Policy
The Economist recently published an article on "Curbing climate change - The deepest cuts", their guide to the actions that have done the most to slow global warming (Sep. 20th 2014). Like the McKinsey studydid for individual climate related actions a few years ago...
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