A group of us are speaking today at the American Public Works Association International Public Works Congress & Exposition in Toronto. Here's the presentation: APWA 2014 TorontoDeck July 28 2014. Ryan will be launching the Canadian version of the Business Case...
Month: August 2014
New Website
impactinfrastructure.com - our new website is now live. Kudos to Ryan, Rares and Tim for the new look. I'll have to do something about the awful picture of the Chief Economist and Co-Founder. Perhaps I can get the art department to touch it up so I look more like Bill...
ii is Looking for a Few Good People
Impact Infrastructure (ii) is undergoing exciting growth. We are expanding our staff to support our upcoming commercial release of our AutoCASE software. AutoCASE is built on a solid foundation of research and happy beta clients. ii has an ambitious research and...
Letting Nature or Development Make the Case for Resiliency?
Storms get people's attention. They make the business case for resilient infrastructure because we count up how much not having resilient infrastructure costs in terms of human life, lost business, insurance costs and clean-up. Resilient infrastructure is, from this...
What’s on my desktop 2?
Iconic Last week I talked about the new Infraworks with Model Builder. I forgot to include a video. Here's an Infraworks 360 video showing how quickly a model can be built and modified. I mentioned the scale and scope of these models is incredible. The video shows how...
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